

COALSCAN 9500X is the ultimate on-belt coal analyser. The COALSCAN 9500X provides continuous monitoring of the standard coal analyses Ash, Sulfur, Specific Energy / Heating Value and Moisture. In addition, the COALSCAN 9500X can monitor and report the major oxides in ash, such as SO3.

The multi-element analyses are transmitted to the control system as weighted averaged dry weight percent through the use of belt weigher and moisture analyser inputs. Whether at the mine site, wash plant or power station, Scantech offers proven, high quality measurement solutions that aid the blending and sorting of various coals.

The COALSCAN 9500X utilises the technique known as Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA). The COALSCAN 9500X incorporates high efficiency detectors and state-of-the-art digital spectrometer, which overcomes the limitations of conventional, low efficiency detection systems.  Enabled by enhanced electronic digitisation, PGNAA has led to a new era in process control. The moisture analyser uses the microwave transmission technique to measure the moisture content of the coal and provide Calorific Value.

"Most power plants are ‘flying blind’ and don’t know the quality of their coal, the #1 raw material cost consumable. Every power plant needs on line analysis of coal and bunker modeling to predict boiler efficiency and prevent deratings from boiler slagging."

Stephen Smith Coalsmith 2011