Corporate Profile

Scantech is the world-leader in the application of on-line real-time measurement technology for bulk materials. The Company has developed a broad range of industrial instrumentation utilising various measurement technologies, including microwave methods. The application of our products is principally in the resource sector including cement, coal and minerals industries.
Scantech has developed and implemented a Quality Management System thereby assuring its customers of quality, safety and reliability. Scantech received a Certificate of Approval for ISO Quality Assurance Standard ISO 9001:2015 from the Bureau Veritas Certification (BVC).
Scantech is committed to providing:
- High quality products and exceptional service to customers.
- Company growth via acquisition of related businesses and application of new technologies.
- Maximum benefits to shareholders.
- A challenging, safe and rewarding environment for all employees.
"Homogeneous fuel is a key parameter for ensuring high levels of efficiency when burning coal"
Norbert Spennrath Kima Echzeitsysteme, World Coal July 2012